For those who think that getting a new car loan is a tiresome process, it actually isn't. You just need to change your approach. Procuring the loan can take just a day or two. How? It's simple. Go the online way and save time and money.
The local train or bus may be there. But it is important to have your own car to avoid messing up situations during the last minute. Important meetings or parties, you just cannot afford to be late. The bus is not going to get you there on time. Yes, your car is the best solution.
Browse the internet for a secured auto loan. Go through as many web sites as possible. A single web site may do you no good or may give you very less info. As you browse, request as many quotes as possible. Most web sites give free no-obligation quotes. Once you have the quotes ready it becomes a lot easier to negotiate.
Take the quote with the lowest interest rate and EMI from your list, contact the concerned person through the web site and negotiate on the rate. Auto loan borrowers need to be a little careful when the rates on just one web site are very low as compared to all others. "Beware of scams" would be the message coming very loud and clear.
Try your best to negotiate on the processing fees. The lender may not be as bothered about those fees as much he is bothered about the borrower. Finding an individual in need of a car loan is much more important than the unnecessary service charges.
As long as you are an adult and are either salaried or self-employed, there's no one who can stop you from getting the auto loan. Just keep a few documents ready to speed up the process. An address proof, photo identity proof and income proof are some of the mandatory documents to be submitted before availing the loan or before the auto-loan approval process. Salaried individuals should be working in the current organization for a period of at least one year. Self-employed individuals should have been in the business for at least two years.
Once your new car loan deal is finalized, the lender may ask you for the documents. A lot of paperwork may be involved and this would be a very critical part of the loan process. Do not neglect any of the terms and conditions. Get all your questions clarified before offering to sign the papers. Beware of hidden terms, conditions, fees and charges. The lender may try to make you act fast. But wait at this step. Reading the papers is very important and signing without complete knowledge can put you in trouble.
Once this is complete, your loan gets credited in no time. As mentioned earlier, the entire new car loan process is superfast and generally takes just a day or two.
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